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Fall Qualitative Inquiry Seminars
October 22–December 10, 2024
4 courses offered by our qualitative scholar team, exclusively online via Zoom
Course Schedule
On the course schedule below, click on a course title or scholar instructor name to see a course description or scholar bio.
  • Coding and Analyzing Qualitative Data

    Johnny Saldaña, October 22-23

    Being in conversation with qualitative data can include identifying ideas that spark meaning, insight, and sense-making. This two-day course focuses on a range of selected methods of coding qualitative data for analytic outcomes that includes patterns, processes, causation, categories, and diagrams. The course will address:

    • Various coding methods for qualitative data (with an emphasis on social media data)
    • Analytic memo writing
    • Heuristics for thinking qualitatively and analytically

    Manual (hard copy) coding will be emphasized with a discussion of available analytic software and programs for future use. Course content is derived from Saldaña’s The Coding Manual for Qualitative Researchers (4th edition, 2021, Sage Publishing).

  • Synthesizing Qualitative Data

    Johnny Saldaña and Matt Omasta, October 24-25

    After qualitative data have been collected and initially analyzed, we are faced with the larger task of making meaning across numerous narratives and expanding ideas. This course provides strategies for data synthesis—that is, moving into advanced qualitative data analysis and integrative theory development.

    The course will address:

    • Analytic heuristics (categories, themes, assertions, propositions, concepts)
    • Analytic write-ups (memos, vignettes)
    • Data analytic display-making (matrices and diagrams)
    • Theory development

    We will make use of an analytic synthesis matrix that outlines approaches for integrating meaningful ideas and making sense of data. These methods are transferable to any discipline including business, education, the social sciences, and health care.

    Course content is derived from Saldaña’s methods texts including The Coding Manual for Qualitative Researchers (4th edition, 2021, Sage Publishing), the co-authored Qualitative Data Analysis: A Methods Sourcebook (4th ed., 2020, Sage Publishing), and Saldaña & Omasta’s Qualitative Research: Analyzing Life (2nd edition, 2022, Sage Publishing).

  • The Life of a Qualitative Inquiry Project

    Ray Maietta and Alison Hamilton, October 31-November 1

    The main goal of this course is to position you to develop an active and engaged posture toward your work. To accomplish this goal, we emphasize principles, strategies and tips to remain open, flexible and responsive through the life of a qualitative inquiry project. This approach helps you to understand how the conversations and interactions occurring during data collection, analysis and write-up fit with what is currently known about, and practiced in, your field.

    Data Collection:

    To empower qualitative data collection, we work with you to ensure that you can hit the following goal for strong qualitative work:

    • Ask the right questions
      • …to the right people or of the right materials
      • …at the right time
      • …in the right way

    Data Analysis:

    We introduce you to the principles of ResearchTalk’s Sort and Sift, Think and Shift qualitative data analysis approach.

    • Five principles direct the Sort and Sift process:

    1. Principle 1 is to adopt and maintain a flexible posture to facilitate the evolution of your thinking and your use of analytic tools.

    2. Principle 2 is to let the data be your guide; qualitative data content directs project decisions from fieldwork to analysis to final presentation.

    3. According to Principle 3, the holistic picture of each data collection episode is of paramount importance.

    4. In Principle 4, topics that direct analysis emerge and evolve throughout the life of a project and should be monitored actively by diagramming and memoing.

    5. Principle 5 reflects that, through iterative phases, the Sort and Sift toolkit focuses on where and how key concepts integrate and work together (i.e., bridge and thread) to define participants’ lived experience.

    Writing Practices:

    We introduce you to writing practices and tips to use through the entire research lifecycle of your projects.

    “Writing” can and should start early in your work on a new project. We encourage you to begin memoing and diagramming to contemplate emerging ideas early in each project. Writing threads through your entire project, especially during data analysis—writing and analysis are intertwined activities rather than sequenced tasks.

  • Sort and Sift Think and Shift: Let the Data Be Your Guide

    Ray Maietta and Kristin Black, December 9-10

    Course participants will learn a flexible approach to qualitative analysis that is driven by research participants’ words and experiences.

    The course presents the Sort and Sift, Think and Shift qualitative data analysis approach, created by Ray Maietta and the consulting team at ResearchTalk Inc. The approach is an iterative process in which analysts dive into data to understand its content, dimensions, and properties, and then step back to assess what they have learned to bridge findings with current conversations in the field. The approach is a data-driven process that is both flexible and fluid. Data content is directive as it helps researchers determine what to do when. The goal of the process is to arrive at an evidence-based meeting point that is a hybrid story of data content and researcher knowledge.

    Five principles direct the Sort and Sift process

    1. Principle 1 is to adopt and maintain a flexible posture to facilitate the evolution of your thinking and your use of analytic tools.

    2. Principle 2 is to let the data be your guide; qualitative data content directs project decisions from fieldwork to analysis to final presentation.

    3. According to Principle 3, the holistic picture of each data collection episode is of paramount importance.

    4. In Principle 4, topics that direct analysis emerge and evolve throughout the life of a project and should be monitored actively by diagramming and memoing.

    5. Principle 5 reflects that, through iterative phases, the Sort and Sift toolkit focuses on where and how key concepts integrate and work together (i.e., bridge and thread) to define participants’ lived experience.

    The Process

    Data engagement is defined by an iterative and synergistic feedback loop between the “diving in” and “stepping back” phases of analysis, using three types of tools: reflecting, engaging, and integrating. We encourage you to dive into data early and often. The diving in phase is designed to privilege the holistic narrative of each data file (i.e., data collection episode). During the stepping back phase researchers reflect, re-strategize and re-orient after the diving in phases of analysis.

    The course draws on material from:

    --Maietta, Raymond C., Reifsteck, Erin J., Petruzzelli, Jeff, Mihas, Paul, Swartout, Kevin, & Hamilton, Alison B. “The Sort and Sift, Think and Shift Analysis Method” (chapter 16), in Richards, K. A., Hemphill, M. A., & Wright, P. M. (Eds.). (2024). Qualitative research and evaluation in physical education and sport pedagogy. Jones & Bartlett Learning. Book available for purchase at:

    --Maietta, R., Mihas, P., Swartout, K., Petruzzelli, J., & Hamilton, A. B. (2021). Sort and Sift, Think and Shift: Let the Data Be Your Guide An Applied Approach to Working With, Learning From, and Privileging Qualitative Data. The Qualitative Report, 26(6), 2045-2060.

Daily Schedule

  • The schedule for all courses each day:

    • 10:30 am Eastern – Classes begin
    • 1:00 pm–2:20 pm Eastern – Lunch break
    • 5:00 pm Eastern – Classes end

Registration and Pricing

  • Coding and Analyzing Qualitative Data, October 22-23

    Early Registration, by September 5, 2024: $500.00

    Standard Registration, September 6 - October 15, 2024: $600.00

  • Synthesizing Qualitative Data, October 24-25

    Early Registration, by September 5, 2024: $500.00

    Standard Registration, September 6 - October 17, 2024: $600.00

  • The Life of a Qualitative Inquiry Project, October 31–November 1

    Early Registration, by September 12, 2024: $500.00

    Standard Registration, September 13 - October 24, 2024: $600.00

  • ‘Sort and Sift, Think and Shift’: Let the Data Be Your Guide, December 9-10

    Early Registration, by October 7, 2024: $500.00

    Standard Registration, October 8 - December 2, 2024: $600.00

  • Registration Notes
    • All payments should be made to “ResearchTalk”
    • Seats for courses are not officially held until payment is received in full
    • If full payment or payment commitment is not received within one week of the class start date, and you have not responded to our emails by that date, your registration will be canceled and you will not be able to attend courses.