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Cheryl Poth

Cheryl Poth, PhD is a Professor and award-winning instructor and author in the Centre for Research and Applied Measurement and Evaluation in the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta in Canada. She is co-founder and lead of the Alberta Community and Clinical Evaluation and Research Team and serves as the methodologist on several cross-disciplinary research teams. Her specific research interests include enhancing research quality and collaborative research teams in the fields of education and the health sciences. For over ten years as a scholar at ResearchTalk’s Qualitative Research Summer Intensive, she has taught short courses on qualitative and mixed methods research. As an active member of the global mixed methods research community, she served as fourth president of the Mixed Methods International Research Association and has delivered invited talks and workshops on four continents. Her current editorial roles involve as associate editor of the Journal of Mixed Methods Research (Sage) and editorial board member of several publications including the International Journal of Qualitative Methodology (Sage), Methods in Psychology (Elsevier), and Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation (Canadian Evaluation Society). She co-authored the 4th edition of Qualitative Inquiry & Research Design (2017, Sage) with John Creswell with the publication of the 5th edition anticipated in early 2024. She served as editor of The SAGE Handbook of Mixed Methods Research Design involving 80 authors across 37 chapters. Her books Research Ethics (2021, Sage) and Innovation in Mixed Methods Research: Guiding Practices for Integrative Thinking with Complexity (2018, Sage) as well as the work on the 2nd edition and are inspired by the dilemmas she hears in the field by learners.