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Paul Mihas

Paul Mihas is the Assistant Director of Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research at the Odum Institute for Research in Social Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a senior consultant with ResearchTalk Inc. He has taught qualitative methods at the Global School in Empirical Research Methods (GSERM) at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland and the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia for 10 years. He has also served as instructor at the ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research and as a mentor at ResearchTalk’s Qualitative Data Analysis Camp and Qualitative Writing Camp.

Recent publications include chapters on qualitative data analysis in the Oxford Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods in Education (2019) and in Research Design and Methods: An Applied Guide for the Scholar-Practitioner (SAGE, 2019). He is a co-author of two articles that provide an overview of the Sort and Sift approach: “Sort and Sift, Think and Shift: Let the Data Be Your Guide: An Applied Approach to Working with, Learning from, and Privileging Qualitative Data” – 2021 ( and “The Sort and Sift, Think and Shift Analysis Method” in Richards, K. A., Hemphill, M. A., & Wright, P. M. (Eds.) (2024) Qualitative research and evaluation in physical education and sport pedagogy, Jones & Bartlett Learning. His chapter on “Qualitative Research Methods: Approaches to Qualitative Data Analysis” appears in the 4th edition of the International Encyclopedia of Education (Elsevier).